“So Far Gone being named the Mixtape of the Year means a lot to me,” Drake said in Toronto. “It was a risk we all took as a team to put out a mixtape that I’m exploring so many different genres of music — from the Santigolds to the Lykke Lis to Peter Bjorn and Johns, to even myself going from rapping to doing records that sound like old Jodeci songs. It was a mix of all the things that make up my character, and for people to embrace it the way they did and for MTV to name it the top mixtape of 2009 means the world to me.”
For the first time ever, Drake goes in-depth about some of his and everyone else’s favorite tracks on the tape.
Joints He Checked For
» “Uptown” (featuring Lil Wayne and Bun B). “It was one of the later records,” Drake explained. “That was when I felt like the mixtape was moving a little too slow and it needed some energy. It gave me another chance to really just rap. I love to rap and say witty, clever things that people can say in the club. I like to give people that opportunity. When I heard the beat, I came up with this saying, ‘It’s OK, it’s OK, it’s OK.’ And at the time I wasn’t home, so I was like, ‘You can run and tell my city I’m on.’ It became this chant. Initially that wasn’t even the hook. [Read more →]

A recently released unauthorized album featuring Canadian rapper Drake will be the focus of a new lawsuit the entertainer plans to file.
Drake is planning a lawsuit against Canadian Money Entertainment over the release, titled The Girls Love Drake.
The unauthorized album, which was released May 28 by Canadian Money, includes songs from Drake’s mixtape, So Far Gone, as well as other tracks.
It was distributed by the Independent Online Distribution Alliance (IODA) on iTunes, Rhapsody and Amazon.
According to Drake’s manager, Al Branch, Drake or his affiliated label Young Money is associated with the album.
Currently, the rapper is at the center of a major bidding war between three major record labels.
At the heart of the suit are uncleared samples for So Far Gone and two other mixtapes.
Drake’s camp has gone on record saying it did not authorize The Girls Love Drake.
A chief concern for Branch involves Young Money or October’s Own, Drake’s label, potentially being sued because the mixtape samples have not been legally cleared for use.
Artists sampled for the mixtapes include rapper David Banner as well as singers Goapele and Colin Munroe.
Source: All Hip Hop