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Today is out 1 year anniversary of Drake-Online.Com and I want to thank all Drizzy Drake fans for the continuous support ♥♥♥ It was also about 1 year ago Drake dropped So Far Gone which was by far the mixtape of the year. Thank Me Later will drop in two days and we promise to keep delivering you with recent music/album updates to satisfy your needs.
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Download: Drake – Thank Me Now
This is total off-topic related. But I would like to announced and shamelessly plug a newest site, JustinBieberFan.Org. A fansite dedicated to Justin Bieber. Do make a visit if you are interested and is a fan.
This is total off-topic related. But I would like to announced and shamelessly plug a newest site, TwilightBlvd.Com. A fansite dedicated to the Twilight actors. Do make a visit if you are interested and is a fan of them.